Preventative Care
Our new preventative care plans are designed to help owners keep their pets happy, healthy, and on track with necessary vaccinations and care. Whether you have a new puppy or kitten, or an older pet, we have a Preventative Care Plan to fit your pet’s veterinary needs. Our plans are designed to range from covering your pet’s Essential needs such as unlimited exams, annual vaccinations, heartworm testing, and parasite screening up to our Optimal plans which also can include dental care and early detection imaging. View our Preventative Care Plans pricing and coverage below, or contact us to learn more!

Preventive Care Plan Chart Details
Unlimited Exams
- Unlimited scheduled office visits and outpatient exams during regular business hours
- Emergency office visits are not included
- Vaccines listed below recommended by our doctors according to individual pets’ lifestyle
- Vaccines included in plan:
- Rabies (RV)
- Distemper, Adenovirus and Parvovirus (DAP)
- Leptospirosis (Lepto)
- Bordetella (Bb)
- Canine Parainfluenza (CPiV)
- Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calici Virus and Panleukopenia (FVRCP)
- Feline Leukemia (FeLV)
- Canine Influenza (CIV)
- Vaccines included in plan:
Heartworm Test
- Dogs
- Annual Heartworm Screening
- Cats
- Indoor
- Annual Heartworm Screening
- Outdoor or at-risk
- Annual Heartworm or FeLV/FIV Screening
- Alternating years
- Annual Heartworm or FeLV/FIV Screening
- Indoor
Parasite Screening & Deworming
- Puppies and Kittens:
- Up to three fecal exams during initial vaccine series
- One fecal at 6-month preventive care visit
- Routine deworming for hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms
- Tapeworm treatment included in plan if needed
- Mature:
- Biannual fecal exam
- Deworming according to SAH deworming protocol
- MUST BE CURRENT on heartworm prevention to receive deworming at no charge
Early Detection Testing (EDT)
- Antech®
- Adult Wellness Profile
- RenalTech® (Cats)
- Choice Plan
- Annual EDT
- Optimal & Optimal II Plan
- Biannual EDT
EKG & Blood Pressure (BP)
- BP is performed routinely on Seniors (7 years or older)
- BP may be performed in Adults if requested by doctor or subscriber
- Choice Plan
- Annual BP & ECG
- Optimal & Optimal II Plan
- Biannual BP & ECG
COHAT – Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment & Treatment
- Choice Plan
- Choice of COHAT or Spay/Neuter or Ultrasound, (Send-out Consult NOT included)
- Optimal Plan
- Choice of COHAT or Spay/Neuter or Ultrasound, (Send-out Consult NOT included)
- Optimal II Plan
- Biannual COHAT or Annual COHAT & Spay/Neuter or Ultrasound, (Send-out Consult NOT included)
Early Detection Imaging
- Optimal & Optimal II Plan
- Annual Digital Radiographic Images of Chest and Abdomen
- Lateral Chest Radiograph
- Lateral Abdominal Radiograph
- Annual Digital Radiographic Images of Chest and Abdomen
- Choice Plan
- Choice of COHAT or Spay/Neuter or Ultrasound, (Send-out Consult NOT included)
- Optimal Plan
- Choice of COHAT or Spay/Neuter or Ultrasound, (Send-out Consult NOT included)
- Optimal II Plan
- Biannual COHAT or Annual COHAT & Spay/Neuter or Ultrasound, (Send-out Consult NOT included)
Learn More
To learn more about the importance of preventative care, or to schedule an appointment, call us at 423-892-6671.